Category: writing

  • We Are All Ghosts (but not for long).

      We’re only doing 4 intimate shows with a very limited capacity, so if you don’t get tix now, you probably won’t get them at all. AND THEN YOU’LL NEVER FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENS AT THE END! Seriously, if you ask me on twitter I’ll just lie and say there’s a fight scene with a…

  • The Stench of Adventure

      I’m awfully fond of days when I get to hold a new book in my hands. I’m even more fond of the days when the book in question has my name on the cover. [untitled] #6 is one such book, and also features a bunch of other fantastic writers from around the country. I…

  • Campbell: The Shocking True Story of a ‘Man’ Who Hated The Arts So Much You’d Think An Artist Stabbed His Puppy As Part of an Abstract Performance Piece

    Dear Campbell, Having just read the news that the Queensland Theatre Company censored a joke at your expense due to concerns that it might affect their funding, I thought I’d let you know that I’ve been inspired to write a play about your life. The current working title is Campbell: The Shocking True Story of a…


    The good thing about buying books as Xmas gifts is that you can write in the front of them and it saves you buying a card. This means that not only do you save on money and paper wastage, but many years from now when you and the person you gave the book to are…

  • Blog Tour

    Hello there humans and approximate facsimiles, I am excited to tell you that this week I am in the middle of a blog tour. A blog tour is basically like a hedonistic punk rock tour except without all the hotel room trashing. Or chain smoking. Or public performance. Or actual touring. But what it does…

  • Library

    I originally wrote this poem when I was invited to do a speech to honour the opening of the Ann Christopherson library at Ipswich East primary school, and it’s been one of my favourites to perform ever since. Also, unlike most of my poetry, it’s very ‘clean,’ so it’s safe to perform for younger audiences (although…

  • Editing advice.

    One question I get asked a lot is ‘What advice do you have for someone writing their first book?’ I guess the main thing would be, however long you think it’s going to take to edit your novel, add 20%. Then double it. Then multiply that by ten (million). Then triple it. Then yell out…

  • Growing pains.

        What did you want to grow up to be when you were a kid? Astronaut? Breakdancer? Ninja? I wanted to be a writer, and I got that, so yay me. But I also wanted to own a jetpack and be best friends with Michael Jordan. I’m sad to say my current mode of…

  • A story, an experiment.

    I’d like you to be part of an experiment please. Don’t worry, it’s not one of those crazy ones where they inject you with an unstable chemical compound or see what happens when you mix human and reptile DNA or anything like that. Anyone who’s ever read sci-fi knows that’s never a good idea. Unless…

  • Book giveaway

    Dena over at Books for for Kids (who recently wrote this great review of Zeb) is running a giveaway where you can get your hands…ah…well, eyes at least, on a digital copy of Zeb and the Great Ruckus. Entry is freebies. Check it out here. In other book news, one of the highlights of my…