Growing pains.




What did you want to grow up to be when you were a kid? Astronaut? Breakdancer? Ninja? I wanted to be a writer, and I got that, so yay me. But I also wanted to own a jetpack and be best friends with Michael Jordan. I’m sad to say my current mode of transportation is a very beaten up Ford Festiva and the only correspondence I’ve had with Mr. Jordan is a letter from his lawyer telling me to cease and desist.


Sometimes growing up is hard, sometimes it’s awkward, sometimes funny, and sometimes it involves standing in front of a crowd of strangers and explaining why it’s hard, awkward and funny. I’ll be doing just that as part of a show called Growing Pains I’ve put together with Martin Ingle, Jo Sri and Vuong Pham. I’m very honoured to be in such obscenely talented company, I’m a huge fan of their work as poets, filmmakers, musicians and general rapscallions and I’m immensely proud of the show we’ve put together.

I’d really love to yell some words at you and share a few more words and a drink after. Please be aware we are only doing two small capacity shows. So if you want to come, you’d better click quick (facebook event is here).


Anywhere Theatre Festival is one of my favourite festivals I’ve been to in all the world. If you can’t get to our show, definitely check out the schedule and get along to one of the amazing events all over this beautiful city.





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2 responses to “Growing pains.”

  1. Nic Freeman Avatar

    Yay for words! Wouldn’t miss it JD. Nic

  2. Josh Avatar

    Thanks Nic! Pretty excited to be working with these guys…