Category: art

  • Editing advice.

    One question I get asked a lot is ‘What advice do you have for someone writing their first book?’ I guess the main thing would be, however long you think it’s going to take to edit your novel, add 20%. Then double it. Then multiply that by ten (million). Then triple it. Then yell out…

  • Love Letter to Lisbon (OR Art in the Time of Recession).

      Recently I was travelling with an economist, an artist and a doctor. I know that sounds like the set up for a joke, but it’s actually just the first sentence of a love letter. (Or possibly essay. Or a tweet in need of serious editing, I don’t know you, read it and let me…

  • Growing pains.

        What did you want to grow up to be when you were a kid? Astronaut? Breakdancer? Ninja? I wanted to be a writer, and I got that, so yay me. But I also wanted to own a jetpack and be best friends with Michael Jordan. I’m sad to say my current mode of…

  • A story, an experiment.

    I’d like you to be part of an experiment please. Don’t worry, it’s not one of those crazy ones where they inject you with an unstable chemical compound or see what happens when you mix human and reptile DNA or anything like that. Anyone who’s ever read sci-fi knows that’s never a good idea. Unless…

  • Love Letter To Brisbane pt 1: Books & Bars

    Listen, here’s the thing; I love this city, and feel like a lot of people overlook the good things in their own cities and spend too much time complaining about the traffic and such. So I’m going to put together a couple of posts celebrating some of my favourite things about Brisbane, starting with this…

  • 4C arts collective: Thank you and goodnight.

    Listen, internet. Sometimes good things happen. Sometimes these things last a day, or week, or a few years or even longer still. Sometimes they last for too long, sometimes for not long enough and sometimes just the right amount.      When the things in question end you basically have three options; be sad that…

  • Vandal Newman

    My Dearest BCC, I am writing to commend you on your extremely well thought out allocation of 13.5 million dollars to the anti-graffiti campaign. Although I must say, whilst I was overjoyed that such a vast sum is allocated to the aggressive removal of the inexplicably pandemic desire for human beings to express themselves creatively,…

  • Goodreads Book Giveaway Zeb and the Great Ruckus by Joshua Donellan Giveaway ends November 30, 2012. See the giveaway details at Goodreads. Enter to win   Attn: the universe, Goodreads is currently hosting a giveaway competition! If you’d like to get your hands on a copy of Zeb for freebies just click on the link…

  • Love letters to corporations episode #6

    My dearest ticketek, I am writing today to commend you on your excellent and innovate business model of charging for delivery of etickets, a service which, by my mathematical reckoning, costs you precisely $0.000000000 dollars. I had once believed that your email delivery prices of $4-5 would be the absolute zenith of your entrepreneurial courage. But lo! I…


      Hello there citizens of internetland, I trust you are well. I have a heap of announcements that are so exciting that they really should be all IN CAPS but we all know that can be quite annoying so I’ll try and RESTRAIN MYSELF (whoops…) Zeb will see its full, really really real release (try…